Hibernate Framework Introduction

“Hibernate was started in 2001 by Gavin King with colleagues from Cirrus Technologies.”

1. Hibernate is framework based on ORM (object relational mapping) tool for the java programming language.

2. ORM is a technique to convert data into relational database and object oriented programming language.

3. Hibernate is a configuration based and mapping based.

4. Hibernate frameworks helps to developer how to persist your object in relational database.

5. Hibernate is based on General public licence that means open source and light weight.

6. There are several persist framework and ORM options in Java.A persist framework is an ORM based service that persist and fetch objects into a relational database like:

  • Hibernate
  • SpringDao
  • Castor etc.

7. Hibernate ORM provide a technique to interact with transactional objects to perform dirty checking, lazy association fetching, and other optimization functions.

8. Hibernate Framework is caching based that means fast development.

9. Hibernate ORM provides focus on business logic rather than Database tables.

10. Hibernate hide the details of SQL query from Object oriented logic.

11. Hibernate manage the transactions and automatic key generation.

12. Hibernation mapping can be done by two way first xml based and second annotation based.

13. Hibernate generates Database independent query.

14. Hibernate simplifies the complex join.

15. Hibernate provides centralized query that can be used from any where in application.

16. Hibernate supports lazy loading.

17. Hibernate also provides loose coupling.

18. Hibernate is a JPA implementation API.

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