Methods in Java

Method in Java

Method is set of code or instruction to perform some operation.

It is used to represent the behaviour of an object.

A method must be declared within a class. It is defined with the name of the method, followed by parentheses ().

For Example :
    class Hello{

    void show(){
        //write code here...

Rules for a method :

Method must have an access modifiers like private, default, protected or public.

Method has an optional to use non access modifiers like static, final, abstract, synchronized etc.

Method must have a return type.

Method must have a name or identifiers in which we call a method.

Method name should be declare in camel case like add(), addTwoNumber() etc.

There are two type of methods in Java :

1. Non-Parameterized Method

2. Parameterized Method

    void show(){
    void add(int i,int j){

We can make a Parameterized Method when you get input from user and when you dont get input from user we use Non-Parameterized Method.

We can define a method in two way :

1. Static Method

2. Non-Static Method

    //static method
    static void show(){
    //non-static method
    void add(int i,int j){

When you want to share a method from different object of the same class we use static method and when you dont want to share a method from different object of same class we use non-static method.

Method can be return any type of data like Primitive data or Non-Primitive data.

    //It return the Primitive type of Data.
    public int add(int i,int j){
    return i+j;

    //It return Dog type of object and here Dog is Non-Primitive Data.
    public Dog getDog(){
    return new Dog();

    //It can never return a value because its return type is void.
    void display(){

Various valid type of method declaration :
        //definition of a method
        public void show(){


        //definition of a method
        private void show(){


        //definition of a method
        void show(){


        //definition of a method
        protected void show(){


        //definition of a method
        public final void show(){


        //declaration of a method
        public abstract void show();
        //definition of a method
        final public void show(){

        //definition of a method
        public final static void show(){



Ravi kumar Ranjan said...

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I Really Appriciate your Work .

Rishant kaushik said...

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