Constructor in Java
Constructor is used to initialize the property.
Constructor must be the class name.
Constructor must have an access modifiers.
Constructor never have any non-access modifiers.
Constructor always call by the new keyword.
Constructor never have any return type.
Constructor always return same type of object.
There are two type of Constructors :
- Default Constructor or Non-Parameterized Constructor
- Parameterized Constructor
1. Default Constructor or Non-Parameterized Constructor
class A{ } //save and compile //then using javap tool you can see default constructor like below : C:\Users\Deep Singh\Desktop>javap A Compiled from "" class A { A();// this is a default constructor } //its access modifier is default
public class A{ } //save and compile //then using javap tool you can see default constructor like below : C:\Users\Deep Singh\Desktop>javap A Compiled from "" public class A { public A();// this is a default constructor }
class A{ //no-parameterized constructor private A(){ } }
class A{ protected A(){ } } //save and compile //then using javap tool you can see default constructor like below : C:\Users\Deep Singh\Desktop>javap A Compiled from "" class A { protected A();// there is no defualt constructor }
class A{ int i; public static void main(String [] h){ A a=new A(); System.out.println(a.i); // 0 } } /*If i does not contain any value so its default value is based on its type so it can be initialize by 0.*/OR
class A{ int i=10; public static void main(String [] h){ A a=new A(); System.out.println(a.i); // 10 } } /*If i contain any value so it can be initialize by 10.*/
2. Parameterized Constructor
Parameterized constructor is used to get input from user for initializing user specific value.
class A{ int i; A(int j){ i=j; } public static void main(String [] h){ A a=new A(20); System.out.println(a.i); // 20 } }For Example :
class Student{ String name; int roll; Student(String n,int r){ name=n; roll=r; } } class Test{ public static void main(String [] h){ Student s=new Student("rahul",123); System.out.println(; System.out.println(s.roll); } } Output is : rahul Output is : 123
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