Python Introduction

Python Tutorial

Python is a powerful scripting programming language and used for Rapid Application Development (RAD).

Python is a high-level, interpreted, interactive and object-oriented scripting language. Python is designed to be highly readable.

Python is straight forward language that means it provides a single way to perform any task.

Python is provide lots of API to Develop large and complex Application.

Python is Dynamically typed programming language that means you dont need to provide type of variable.

Python file extension is py.

Python can be used for:

  • Console based Application
  • Desktop based Application
  • Web based Application
  • Machine learning based Application
  • IOT based Application

History of Python

It was created by Guido van Rossum, and released in 1991 at the National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science in the Netherlands.

Python source code is now available under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

Features of Python

There are following Features of Python:

  1. Simple
  2. Straight Forward
  3. Case Sensitive
  4. Dynamically Typed
  5. Multi Programming Pattern
  6. Cross Platform
  7. Open Source
  8. Interpreter Based
  9. Large Standard Library
  10. Robust
  11. Indentation Based
  12. Integrated

1. Simple

Python is very easy to learn language as compared to other language like c, c#, java etc.

Python is simple because of its syntax.

2. Straight Forward

Python is straight forward language that means it provides a single way to perform any task.

3. Case Sensitive

Python is Case Sensitive means uppercase and lowercase is matter.

4. Dynamically Typed

Dynamically Typed means you dont need to declare variable type.

Python is automatic understand a type of variable based on values.

5. Multi Programming Pattern

Python supports Object Oriented and Procedure Oriented pattern.

6. Cross Platform

Python is portable language because it can run on different platform like Windows, Mac, Linux etc.

7. Open Source

Python in an Open Source that means its free of cost and source code is also available.

8. Interpreter Based

Python is processed at runtime by the interpreter. You do not need to compile your program before executing it.

Python is based on Interpreter that means it can execute the code line by line.

9. Large Standard Library

Python provides Large Standard Library to Develop fast application.

There are some following are Library:

  • Graphical user interface Library
  • Multimedia Library
  • Databases Library
  • Web Frameworks Library
  • Networking Library
  • Scientific Computing Library
  • Image Processing Library
  • IOT (Internet of Things) Library
  • Test Frameworks Library

10. Robust

Python supports Automatic Memory Management that means you dont need to worried about memory.

11. Indentation Based

Python language does not supports curly braces for defining the function body.

Python used Indentation for writing a code more readable.

12. Integrated

Python can be easily integrated with C, C++, COM, ActiveX, CORBA, and Java.

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