Tools For Flutter Developers

New tools for developers

Flutter Framework supports different tools like Android Studio 
and Visual Studio Code for building apps. 
Dart DevTools which is a new debugging tool, 
so we knew we needed flexibility in how we expose 
debugging and runtime inspection tools.
It also have following terms:

Widget inspector: It enables the visualization and exploration 
tree hierarchy that Flutter uses for rendering.

Timeline view: It helps your application monitoring 
frame-by-frame level.

Source-level Debugger: It uses for debugging the 
application through some break points.

Logging View: It displays the activity you log from your 
application as well as network, framework and 
garbage collection events.

Configuration & Setup

Tools: Flutter depends on these tools being available 
   in your environment.

   • Windows PowerShell 5.0 or 
     newer (this is pre-installed with Windows 10).

   • Git for Windows 2.x, with the Use Git from 
     the Windows Command Prompt option.

Get Flutter SDK

      1. Download Flutter SDK from below link:

         Flutter Download

      2. Extract zip file and place in your local machine.
         You can replace first and second step using below 
         command in your git:

  git clone

After that flutter\bin location update in your environment variable.

Start->type env->


Click on Environment Variable:

In system variables click new:

Click OK.

Then Go to Flutter SDK location and open CMD and type below command:

C: \ flutter \ flutter doctor

This command checks your environment and displays a report 
of the status of your Flutter installation.

For example:

Android setup

Install Android Studio

1. Download and install Android Studio from 

2. Start Android Studio, and go through the ‘Android Studio 
   Setup Wizard’. This installs the latest Android SDK, 
   Android SDK Platform-Tools, and Android SDK Build-Tools, 
   which are required by Flutter when developing for Android.

3. Setup your device where you can test the application.

So for developing an app you need to setup an editor. 
You can use Android Studio or Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is light weight editor with flutter apps execution.

Visual Studio Code Setup

You can download vs. code from below link:

After download install vs. code and start:

The First screen of VS. Code as below:

Then Go To Extensions from left side or Ctrl+Shift+X  
and search flutter and install:

After installation look like as below :

Then go to Terminal and open a New Terminal like below:

After open a new terminal you need to execute a command like below and enter :

flutter doctor

Then you need to create a project using following command and enter:

"make sure you must have a stable internet connection."

flutter create first

Then you can see following code:

After creating a project that name is first, it look like below:

After that run this code in Virtual Device or Real Device for testing application is working fine or not. For this you need to start a virtual device and select Start Debug from VS code Menu option like below :
And execute your application like as :
After this your apk file install in your device and launch like below:
Above is the final result for Flutter setup and execute application.